Saturday, 12 July 2014

Nice Day Outside

Today has been a pretty good day.  It is nice and sunny so Mommy said we better enjoy the outdoors since it is suppose to be raining tomorrow.  This morning Mommy cranked down our awning so we had nice shade on the deck.  Without the awning we would not be able to sit out there for long.  It is quiet with no worker guys and very few people walking by.  I patrolled the perimeter of my property and barked at some pups and I watched the neighbours doing some watering.  Now I am exhausted and I am sleeping under the shade of the awning.  Here I am :


  1. That looks so comfy! Does the maid serve yu lemonade out there too? Bol!

    1. It is very comfy! The maid (aka Mommy) serves water and cookies.

    2. 'Da maid'. BOLBOLBOL :D Mine onwy serbes water an' ice cubes. It r wite bein' in jail, minus da bwead!

    3. 'wike' I meened. Oy bey, Momma. Ged wif it!

  2. Glad you had some good outdoors time! I love being outdoors.

  3. You sure do have a perfect resting place in your shade.

  4. Lookin' VERY relaxed, aye, Jelly all stretched out like that!!

  5. Whut a gwate pwace fur a nap!! Where yur hot tub r, Jelly??? BOL :D
