Thursday, 8 September 2016

Princess Jelly

I have to have a mat to eat my kibble and I won't eat on the floor.  Here is my mat

The blue dish is for my water and the white dish with the little paw prints is for my kibble. 

Tonight Mommy put some canned food on my kibble topped with a few yummy noodles.  I picked through the food and ate all the canned food and noodles.  It resulted in this

Mommy is calling it a mess and says I should clean up my kibble.  That is not a mess!  I know Mommy will clean it up in the morning when she gives me my breakfast kibble.  This pup will not eat crumbs and will not clean up kibble on the floor. Mommy calls me spoiled but I call it being a Princess.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Storm Warning Jelly

I am not very happy right now.  Why you ask? Because we are having a severe thunderstorm.  Mommy has terrible hearing and I always hear the storm coming way before she does.  She was yapping on the phone when I started to warn her about the storm coming.  She wasn't listening and told the peepole she was talking to that I was bugging her.  I just kept up warning her until she finally understood.  She told the peepole that she thinks I am hearing the thunder.  Yes, yes, yes, she finally got it! It wasn't any too soon because a couple of minutes later Mommy heard the thunder too.  Keeping these peepoles safe sure is a tough job!

Here is a picture from our front door of the rain:

You can see the rain coming down in the lights.

I hope it quits raining before I have to potty again.

I wonder if I can get a job with Environment Canada warning the peepoles about storms?  I will send in my resume......

Friday, 2 September 2016

Long Weekend

I am just so happy because this is a long weekend. It is a super long weekend since Mommy took today off too (Friday). Now we have a four day weekend!  Mommy asked me what I want to do. Oh my dogness I can think of so much to do.  Let's see.....we can sleep in, eat yummies, go for walks, play games, enjoy the backyard, go for a car ride to a park, go to a magic window place (aka fast food drive through) and that is just for starts.  Maybe we can go to some of my favourite stores and buy treats ?  Fun, fun, fun! 

What is that Mommy?  You want to get our regular work done around the house today so we can have three days totally free?  That sounds like fun, I love supervising Mommy doing things!

Here is a picture of me that Mommy took this morning.  She was standing on the deck and I was running around the yard.  You may remember that I barked that we were having a drought this summer.  Our grass was all brown.  In the last couple of weeks it has been raining and our grass is turning green again.  You can still see some of the dead patches in the picture.