Thursday 13 February 2014

In Shock

I was shocked to hear that Dogster isn't closing down the community area.  One part of me is very happy because Dogster has been so important to us over the past few years.  We have had lots of fun there and made so many good friends. We were really going to miss Dogster and were feeling sad about loosing some pals. We were even thinking that Christmas wouldn't be the same without the Christmas card exchange. The other part of me has so many questions.  What exactly will Dogster look like.  Will we still have our pages?  Will we still have diaries and group pages?  Will pups who left return?  Right now there is so many questions and no answers.  I know I have to be a patient pup and wait to see what happens.  For now we will keep our blog and go sniff around Dogster too.  What are you doing?


  1. I's definitely keeping my blog and will be checkin in on Fizzy's forum and Dogster too.

  2. Crikey ... Same as all of you! I'm REALLY liking the blog thingies though. Please keep them all going

  3. Oh no ... Still in the grey! What's happened to my piccie?

  4. I'm really likin my doggy bloggy thingy. Stuff works, it's gonna take a long time for all the broken stuff at Dogster/Catster to get fixed.
    I'm takin a wait n' see deal.

  5. Hopping they will keep all
    still will keep up my blog

  6. I'm definitely keeping my blog and will copy and paste into our Mini Mischief dogster page, if it stays the same! xoxo, Christmas will be the same, because we are ALL going to remain good friends!
